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Pets and Berlin (2018)

Original title: Pets ja Berliin

Documentary Duration 32:59


Bowie, who lived in Berlin in the seventies, describes his life in Berlin as “moving around in virtual anonymity... For some reason, Berliners just don't care.” Peeter and Berlin are partners that support one another. Peeter says that there are a lot of people like him in Berlin: “This place attracts people like me, because you can be your true self. Berlin doesn't judge you for who you are. Berlin accepts you the way you are. You don't see this in a lot of other cities. You won't see such attitude in Estonia!” Without a doubt, Berlin is Peeter's home and Peeter is a part of Berlin. Peeter is still active in a band. “If you are a punker, you are always in a band. Even if only in your thoughts.” Pets has created new songs and he wants to record them. Every once in a while he goes to Estonia to record some songs with his friends from legendary band Nyrok City. Lately it happens less often but that only makes those encounters even more heartwarming. Old friends never lack conversation topics, because urban chameleon and city mystic Peeter, as friends describe him, has always a plenty of stories to tell. About life and Berlin and of course about life in Berlin.
It is a story about a man's survival in the city, which offers him almost motherly care. It is a story about loneliness, struggle and freedom. It's a poem about Pets and Berlin.

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm