Every year there are almost 600 suicide attemps which is the same number as people who died in the tragic sinking of the ship "Estonia". What can be the reason for this? Why does this sad statistics show Estonia as a leader in the number of suicides? Is it the loss of security for some layers of fast changing society; or is it the nearly six-month-long Nordic darkness - a combination of the depressive darkness and deeply introverted personalities? The answers to these questions are investigated through the stories of three people who have attempted suicide.
Director: Mart Taevere
Producer | Peeter Urbla |
Director | Mart Taevere |
Screenwriter | Mart Taevere |
Cinematographer | Meelis Kadastik |
Composer | Siim Randla |
Editor | Sirje Haagel | Kaido Strööm |
Content Editor | Mart Taevere |
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