Biographical documentary about a former prodigy, world-famous violinist Evi Liivak (1924-1996). The film introduces the life of a talented musician who was born in VIljandi, Estonia and who lived her life in New York. The main storyteller of the film is a widowed old gentleman Richard Anschuetz who was living and working together with Evi Liivak since the postwar years. There is noble dignity in the old man's admiration, silent contemplations, descriptions of the past and mutual relationships where the attachment to each other and to art will be revealed.
Director: Airi Kasera
Producer | Peeter Urbla |
Director | Airi Kasera |
Screenwriter | Airi Kasera |
Cinematographer | Arvo Vilu |
Sound Designer | Tiina Andreas |
Editor | Sirje Haagel | Maarek Toompere | Andres Lepasar |
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