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President Konstantin Päts' 65th Birthday (1939)

Title in Estonian: President Konstantin Pätsi 65. sünnipäev

Amateur films Duration 04:23


Newspaper journalist Kaljula Teder interviews President Konstantin Päts in the library of Kadriorg Palace on February 22, 1939, a day before Päts's 65th birthday. President writes the letter that he had sent to his family from the Kresty prison in St. Petersburg in 1910. He is sitting behind his desk and shows an engraved rice grain sent from India. Children are greeting and congratulating Konstantin Päts for his birthday in Kadriorg Palace In the morning of February 23, 1939. The violin ensemble of Sakala district of the Estonian Defence League Girls' Organization performs, conducted by Aleksander Joonas. Minni Koik, head of the girs' organization, gives the President an embroidered pillow as a gift. Tallinn girl scouts give the President lilacs, self-made cake and a photo album. Two songbooks for the President's grandsons are the gift from the Young Eagles. Children of Kadriorg youth park are giving an engraved silver plate as a gift. Estonian scoutmasters's gift is a self-made model aircraft. Students of Konstantin Päts Open Air School give the President a photo album as a gift. The girls from Young Blacksmiths league give two symbolically dressed dolls as a gift. The President gives his gratitude to the children. Tiiu Ingermann, a 7-year-old girl in a national costume, who has unexpectedly appeared in Kadriorg Palace, talks to the President. The children are having cake in the Presidential Palace. Hilda Tamm (head of the Home Daughters' organization from Viljandi county) is talking to the President. Herbert Grabbi, the aide-de-camp to the President, is giving chocolate boxes to the children. The film ends with showing the President with his grandsons Matti and Henn.

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm