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Children's Sports Day and Concert Church Service in Gothenburg (1977)

Title in Estonian: Laste spordipäev ja kontsertjumalateenistus Göteborgis

Amateur films Duration 27:10


Monument of Gustav II Adolf in Gothenburg. Views of city: trams, alleys, a fountain, equestrian statue for Karl IX. Swedish advertisement of the song celebration of expatriate Estonians. Vasa Church, indoor hall of Scandinavium Arena, Rondo Theatre, Valhalla stadium where children's sports day takes place on May 19, 1977 that is part of the 8th general song celebration of expatriate Estonians. Running competition, taking a group photograph. Sack race, tug of war, circle games accompanied by the accordion play. Football game on Gamla Ullev sports ground. When the girls play, boys are encouraging them from the tribune. Sports games with the ball. Young men playing.
Park with the blooming spring flowers. German church (also Christinae Church) in central Gothenburg. People have gathered in front of the church. Concert-church service of the general song celebration takes place on May 22. Inner views of the church. The church has eye-catching stained glass windows dedicated to saints. Archbishop Konrad Veem, church ministers Thomas Vaga and August Raidur. The church is full of people, the Estonian national flag near the altar. Estonian national flag is also waving outdoors, advertisement of the song celebration, this time with peonies.

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm