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Rio Conference 1975 - World Anti-Communist League (1975)

Title in Estonian: Rio konverents 1975 - World Anti-Communist League

Amateur films Duration 29:12


8th Conference of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) takes place on April 21-25, 1975. Participants go sightseeing in Rio de Janeiro. The tall building of an international hotel by the ocean. Visiting the observation platforms on the top of the mountains, astonishing views. One of the platforms is at the foot of the statue of the Christ the Redeemer. Arvo Horm, chairman of the Swedish division of WACL by the statue. People bathing in the ocean. Life of the poor in favelas. Conference of the World takes place in Inter-Continental Hotel. Among the participants are delegates from various countries, representatives of international organizations, a large number of observers and press representatives. Opening and speeches, group photo, delegates having lunch. People enjoying themselves on the beach, conference participants go to water. Visiting Tijuca National Park where domestic waste can be seen on the ground near beautiful waterfalls. Conference delegates are taking part in the memorial ceremony held at the national memorial built honor of those fallen in World War 2 - placing the wreath, writing into the commemoration book, group photograph. Busy street life in Rio de Janeiro. Ride on a beach promenade and the bridge.
Evening programme where the dancers perform in carneval costumes and finally the guests will join to dance.

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm