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Blind chance (2024)

Original title in Estonian: Pime juhus

Students film | Drama Duration 29:56

A drama about Paul, who loses his sight and pretends to be sighted in order to drive again. His friend Joonas becomes a drug mule to finance Paul's eye surgery. Paul fails the driving school test drive, but Joonas still lets him drive his car. Joonas hides the drugs in Paul's apartment, not knowing that Kirsi will discover them. Paul accidentally takes the drugs to the examiner from driving school. The instructor opens the bag and finds the drugs, giving Paul a big shock.

Director: Carmen Seljamaa

Keywords: driving a car | drug dealer | drugs | blind man | partially sighted people | View all »

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Main Data

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Production Firm(s) TLÜ Balti filmi, meedia ja kunstide instituudi (BFM) nüüdismeedia õppekava
Film Category Short, Students film
Genre Drama
Text / Dialogue Estonian
Duration 29:56


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Producer Rebekka-Maria Remmelgas
Director Carmen Seljamaa
Cinematographer Raido Pedak
Production Desinger Anu Sildnik | Elisa Geraldine Vesterinen
Costume Designer Marit Ahven
Sound Designer Tarmo Lehari | Rando Arand
Editor Martin Korjus


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Leading roles
Supporting roles

Indrek Taalmaa - Boss | Meelis Rämmeld - Instructor

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm