A story about a man who hated happiness because he considered it to be amoral. The black comedy with English actors turns the famous story by Shakespeare about Prince Hamlet completely upside down. It turns out that Shakespeare understood everything totally wrong at his time. There is no reason to hold Hamlet as a hero, since he does not want to pay back for his father's murder not to become a king. The central character of the story is Horatio who acts in order to establish justice and save the country's moral.
Director: Ilmar Raag
Producer | Peeter Palusaar | Ilmar Raag |
Director | Ilmar Raag |
Screenwriter | Ilmar Raag |
Cinematographer | Madis Mihkelsoo |
Production Desinger | Liina Unt |
Costume Designer | Liina Unt |
Composer | Glen Pilvre | Priit Pajusaar |
Editor | Rainer Kask | Hendrik Reindla |
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