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Cameraman Kõps on a Deserted Island (1966)

Original title: Operaator Kõps üksikul saarel

Animation Duration 19:15

Kõps and Wiseman survive from the plane crash and find themselves on a deserted island where Kõps learns how to use differend kinds of gifts of the forest.

Director: Heino Pars

Keywords: botany | ellujäämisõpetus | favour | resourcefulness | aircraft accident | consolation | diversity of nature | luigelill | wise man of the forest | operaator Kõps | View all »

Photos and Galleries (7)

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Main Data

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Production Firm(s) Tallinnfilm
Color color
Sound sound
Film Category Animation, Puppet
Text / Dialogue Estonian
Dubbing Russian
Duration 19:15


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Director Heino Pars
Screenwriter Georgi Štšukin
Cinematographer Ants Looman
Production Desinger Georgi Štšukin
Animator Evgenia Levoll | Ardo Krastin
Composer Arvo Pärt
Content Editor Silvia Kiik
Managing Director Vladimir Korinfski

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm