
Search results

  • A Greyhound of a Girl
    A Greyhound of a Girl

    Original title (in German): Alles Gëtt Wonnerbar!

    2023 | Animation, Cartoon, | Director: Enzo d'Alo

  • Feathers or Glamour
    Feathers or Glamour

    Original title: Suled või glamuur

    2023 | Documentary | Director: Eva Kübar

    How did an egg-centric rural bird, the chicken, become a trendy urban pet and what does she think about living in the city?

  • Stairway to Heaven
    Stairway to Heaven

    Original title: Taevatrepp

    2023 | Full length feature, Feature film | Director: Mart Kivastik

    A story about time and music, friendship and love and death, life in current times and about childhood in the 70s.

  • Vaba raha
    Vaba raha

    2023 | Full length feature, Feature film | Director: Rain Rannu

    A semi-satirical comedy about the absurdity of money, telling three loosely interconnected stories about crypto and the last few years when investing has become a form of entertainment and ordinary folk are trading in stocks and coins.

  • Kalev

    2022 | Full length feature, Feature film | Director: Ove Musting

  • Local Urbanites
    Local Urbanites

    Original title: Lokaalsed linlased

    2022 | Documentary | Director: Maria Uppin

    In the documentary film we try to explore how difficult it is to carry out a bigger vision that would update Estonian urban space.

  • The Gardener Of Tension Fields
    The Gardener Of Tension Fields

    Original title: Pingeväljade aednik

    2021 | Portrait, Documentary | Director: Joosep Matjus, Katri Rannastu

    Estonian well known writer Mehis Heinsaar has seven encounters during his journey in the wilderness, which will open to the viewer the magical inner world of the writer.

  • A Man From A Fairytale
    A Man From A Fairytale

    Original title: Mees muinasjutust

    2019 | Portrait, Documentary | Director: Ruti Murusalu

    The end of one act is the beginning of another. The documentary about Toomas Edur tells us an intimate story about the most outstanding Estonian ballet artist, his searches, changes in his life and adapting to those changes.

  • Chasing Unicorns
    Chasing Unicorns

    Original title: Ükssarvik

    2019 | Full length feature, Feature film | Director: Rain Rannu

    Young startup entrepreneur Õie and a serial failure Tõnu follow their crazy ride from Estonia all the way to Silicon Valley — and back.

  • Taagepera

    2019 | Portrait, Documentary | Director: Peeter Simm

Estonian film heritage

  • Filmmakers Biographies
  • Virtual Museum
  • Films Collections
  • Films Synoses
  • Photo Collevtions
  • Collection of Articles
  • Republic of Estonia Information System Authority jury comprising industry experts selected the Estonian Film Database to be the winner in civil society e-services category for 2015

    Contributor Zone

    Contact and commitments

    We will be glad to assist you if you would have any questions or need for help regarding Estonian film heritage.

    Estonian Film Database (EFDB)

    The database is maintained by NGO Estonian Film Database. It was opened on 12.12.2012 and is meant for providing information about the whole Estonian film heritage from 1912. We plan fully complete it by 2025 but already now full and partial entries for about 20 000 films, 27 000 filmmakers, and more than 200 production companies could be retrieved in Estonian and partly in English. Translation of film descriptions and keywords into English is ongoing but due to the scarcity of resources quite a slow process. Read more detailed overview.

    Find films by the year of production

    2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991

    How to obtain a film copy

    Please find an instruction how to obtain a copy of a film or newsreel for personal use from here.

    Foreign Estonian Film Heritage Collection

    ERR Archive

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm