
Search results

  • Organist

    2023 | Other categories | Director: Maria Uppin

    The sound of the organ brings back a childhood memory experienced decades ago.

  • Raise Me a Memory
    Raise Me a Memory

    Original title: Läinud on jäänud

    2023 | Documentary | Director: Varun Trikha

    “If you are born a Seto, you remain a Seto” As this phrase from Setomaa suggests, being a Seto implies being a possessor of a cultural past which one can’t escape.

  • Kampsuusatajate kogunemine
    Kampsuusatajate kogunemine

    2021 | Feature film, Short | Director: Marek Vahula

  • Funeral Diaries
    Funeral Diaries

    Original title: Matusepäevikud

    2019 | Documentary | Director: Marko Raat

    The daily bread of ministers of small congregations is not sermons in the church; it is constant work with the old and the dying. A holy man who has been removed from his friends and peers and suddenly transplanted into another culture is often lonely and broken himself.

  • Maran

    2018 | Portrait, Documentary | Director: Ants Tammik

    Documentary about nature photographer Rein Maran who shares his thoughts about his experiences in nature and philosophy of life.

  • The Riddle of Jaan Niemand
    The Riddle of Jaan Niemand

    Original title: Põrgu Jaan

    2018 | Full length feature, Feature film | Director: Kaur Kokk

    "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." Lao-Zi.

  • Tõnu Kõrvits. Moorland Elegies
    Tõnu Kõrvits. Moorland Elegies

    Original title: Tõnu Kõrvits. Lageda laulud

    2018 | Portrait, Music Documentary, Documentary | Director: Marianne Kõrver

    A documentary film about a composer Tõnu Kõrvits, his music and the people who are deeply touched by his music.

  • Inner voice
    Inner voice

    Original title: Sisekõla

    2014 | Portrait, Students film, Documentary | Director: Madis Reimund

    What is happening to a composer when his creation is leaving his private space to our common space.

  • The Gull Theorem
    The Gull Theorem

    Original title: Kajaka teoreem

    2014 | Nature, Documentary | Director: Joosep Matjus

    Gulls are like soul-birds for mankind, living and building their nests throughout the city. A man sees hope for salvation in the bird. Human body turns into an artificial environment and the gull becomes his soul.

  • Flowers from the Mount of Olives
    Flowers from the Mount of Olives

    Original title: Õlimäe õied

    2013 | Portrait, Documentary | Director: Heilika Pikkov

    Isiklik ja intiimne lugu Jeruusalemmas asuvast Õlimäe kloostrist ja erakordse elusaatusega eestlannast, nunn ema Ksenijast. Heilika Pikkov’s feature length creative documentary „Flowers from the Mount of Olives“ was shot within two years at The Mount of Olives Convent of the Ascension of Our Lord in Jerusalem.

Estonian film heritage

  • Filmmakers Biographies
  • Virtual Museum
  • Films Collections
  • Films Synoses
  • Photo Collevtions
  • Collection of Articles
  • Republic of Estonia Information System Authority jury comprising industry experts selected the Estonian Film Database to be the winner in civil society e-services category for 2015

    Contributor Zone

    Contact and commitments

    We will be glad to assist you if you would have any questions or need for help regarding Estonian film heritage.

    Estonian Film Database (EFDB)

    The database is maintained by NGO Estonian Film Database. It was opened on 12.12.2012 and is meant for providing information about the whole Estonian film heritage from 1912. We plan fully complete it by 2025 but already now full and partial entries for about 20 000 films, 27 000 filmmakers, and more than 200 production companies could be retrieved in Estonian and partly in English. Translation of film descriptions and keywords into English is ongoing but due to the scarcity of resources quite a slow process. Read more detailed overview.

    Find films by the year of production

    2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991

    How to obtain a film copy

    Please find an instruction how to obtain a copy of a film or newsreel for personal use from here.

    Foreign Estonian Film Heritage Collection

    ERR Archive

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm