
Search results

  • Goodbye Soviet Union
    Goodbye Soviet Union

    Original title: Hüvasti, NSVL

    2020 | Feature film, Full length feature | Director: Lauri Randla

    Lauri Randla’s first full length feature film is a comedy about the adventures of the Ingrian-Finnish Tarkkinen family in the last days of the Soviet Union.

  • Kratt

    2020 | Feature film, Full length feature | Director: Rasmus Merivoo

    Two city kids, zero smartphones, one village. When left at Granny’s the siblings find an instruction on how to build a devilish creature. The only missing puzzle is one soul...

  • The Last Ones
    The Last Ones

    2020 | Feature film, Full length feature | Director: Veiko Õunpuu

    A car crash in slow motion, a love letter to a disappearing world.

  • Undergods

    2020 | Feature film, Full length feature | Director: Chino Moya

    Debut film of Chino Moya is a collection of darkly humorous, surrealist tales about ill-fated characters and their tragic misadventures.

  • All the Sins
    All the Sins

    Original title (in Finnish): Kaikki synnit

    2019 | TV Serial, Elisa | Director: Mika Ronkainen

    Crime thriller about complex relationships, small town prejudices and alternative lifestyles.

  • Mothers' Day
    Mothers' Day

    Title in Estonian: Emade päev

    2019 | Documentary, Portrait, Problem oriented | Director: Kristiina Davidjants

    Film about prison and imprisoned mothers, asking the question whether it is possible for these mothers to maintain connection with their children or not.

  • Scandinavian Silence
    Scandinavian Silence

    Original title: Skandinaavia vaikus

    2019 | Feature film, Full length feature | Director: Martti Helde

    We never dreamt of a good life. We dreamt of a normal life.

  • The Circle
    The Circle

    Original title: Südamering

    2019 | Documentary | Director: Margit Lillak

    To change the world, one needs to start within.

  • To Share Or Not To Share
    To Share Or Not To Share

    Original title: Jagada või mitte jagada

    2019 | Documentary | Director: Minna Hint, Meelis Muhu

    How to live carefree and without money ?

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    Original title: Tõde ja õigus

    2019 | Feature film, Full length feature | Director: Tanel Toom

    Estonia, 1872. The uncompromising new owner of Robber’s Rise must battle with hard work, his spiteful neighbor and with his own family and beliefs to transform the poor land into a flourishing farm of his dreams – to bring truth and justice to a god forsaken place.

Estonian film heritage

  • Filmmakers Biographies
  • Virtual Museum
  • Films Collections
  • Films Synoses
  • Photo Collevtions
  • Collection of Articles
  • Republic of Estonia Information System Authority jury comprising industry experts selected the Estonian Film Database to be the winner in civil society e-services category for 2015

    Contributor Zone

    Contact and commitments

    We will be glad to assist you if you would have any questions or need for help regarding Estonian film heritage.

    Estonian Film Database (EFDB)

    The database is maintained by NGO Estonian Film Database. It was opened on 12.12.2012 and is meant for providing information about the whole Estonian film heritage from 1912. We plan fully complete it by 2025 but already now full and partial entries for about 20 000 films, 27 000 filmmakers, and more than 200 production companies could be retrieved in Estonian and partly in English. Translation of film descriptions and keywords into English is ongoing but due to the scarcity of resources quite a slow process. Read more detailed overview.

    Find films by the year of production

    2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991

    How to obtain a film copy

    Please find an instruction how to obtain a copy of a film or newsreel for personal use from here.

    Foreign Estonian Film Heritage Collection

    ERR Archive

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm