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What’s Up With Numbats? (2023)

Original title in Estonian: Viivis

Students film | Comedy Duration 12:37

Plot summary

Working at a small town library two old-fashioned librarians Eve (Elina Reinold) and Leida (Luule Komissarov) colleagues, opposites, are playing a word game to pass the time. Everything goes well until Leida ́s factually wrong answer about Numbats habitat greatly upsets correctness-loving Eve.
Unfortunately for her the book, that would put a righteous end to the conflict, is missing from the bookshelf. After many unanswered calls to the bookholder Raul Hallik (Aarne Soro), and a full day of Leidas' victorious smirkiness, Eve decides to go for a book hunt. An absurd adventure to prove her co-worker wrong begins and takes unexpected turns until the very end.Eve's determination is first challenged by ridiculously similar doors in the apartment building. Not knowing exactly where to go, she has a strange encounter with an oblivious neighbor and even a door slam in the face from an elderly cowboy.
But Eve finally makes her way to the right entry and the right person - Raul Hallik. To get a better look of the household Eve pretends to be from the apartment association and hospitable Raul invites her in. While he's fixing up a coffee in the kitchen Eve tries to search for the book and luckily she manages to avoid not getting caught not only once but several times. Raul now asks about some extension on rent, but just once more he rushes back to the kitchen to finish what he started. Left alone, Eve now notices the “holy grail” in the hands of a sleeping old man in the other room and sneakily makes her way there. While grabbing the book She has doubts about her actions morality but a ghostly voice of Leida realerts her instincts to get the book no matter what. Just when Eve yanks the book from the hands of the sleeper, Raul returns to the living room with coffee cups in hands. Eve quickly escapes and Raul is left with many unanswered questions.
The next day Eve proudly presents the book that proves Leida wrong. Unfortunately for Eve, her elder colleague doesn't seem to remember anything from the previous day and leaves the heroine defeated yet again.

Keywords: absurd situation | apartment | library | librarian | View all »

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm