The symbolistic grotesque directed by Veiko Õunpuu is telling the story of a successful man in his mid-life crisis who is suffering moral issues. One of the most successful festival films in Estonia.
The debut feature film directed by Kadri Kõusaar tells the story about alienation and absence of emotions through the relationship of a depressed youngster and his father. The film with excellent cinematography has received awards at several acknowledged film festivals. The film is currently banned for protecting the private life of a prototype.
Vivat, crescat, floreat vagina!
The second feature film directed by Sulev Keedus is a phychological drama about human fear of tomorrow and about hopeless pursuits in order to keep one's spiritual balance in Estonia that has been recently occupied.
The film directed by Rando Pettai tells the story about Väino, Valdur, Maie and Silvi. When one of them should face difficulties in life, friends will be always there for helping out.