Architecture Awakens! Animated magical realism, l´etat naturel!
Two managers Adolf and Rudolf solve the problem that threatens to ruin the company.
Immigration, Love and Music! Lisa Limone is first S3D animated opera in stop-motion. Topics of immigration, love and money are handeled theatrically in musical sauce.
Ada the Crow dreams of getting married.
There is no triangle without corners. There is no direction without a triangle. There is no movement without a direction.
On one totally ordinary warm summer night the residents of a totally ordinary apartment house happen to gather in the yard. A citizen of questionable motives takes advantage of the situation and the ending of course is quite expectable.
Our body remembers more than we can expect and imagine.
This is a story about an everyday diver and a night dentist.
The telecommunication between the wolf and humans leads to a situation where the law of gravity changes to the unknown.
The prospect isn't good: situation seems like jail, porridge bowl bottomless and time is running out. An unexpected discovery changes it all though.
A dramatic story about love, locked doors, an unsightly thief, a wounded stork, a lost laptop, and the virtual prostitutes the O’Key sisters... Gabriella Ferri is not in the film, but it almost has a happy ending.
Anti has worked as a TV-set repairman all his life. One day he realizes - it is the world that needs to be repaired.
The heroes of the film are three bear cubs from the cult painting by Ivan Shishkin “Morning in a Pine Forest”.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Their well-earned vacation in the homeland is taken away from Frank and Wendy.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Estonia launches a personal ecologically clean satellite into space, evoking the justified displeasure of their American allies.
Vivat, crescat, floreat vagina!
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Frank discovers an underground sausage factory in Estonia run by Nazi dwarfs.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. A premonition of cannibalism is in the snowfall of the constantly wintry Wiru Street.
While Father and Mother are outside, Miriam, Little Brother and Hen start playing hide-and-seek.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. The Nazi dwarfs and international gene manipulators join forces and develop an irresistible marketing strategy.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Martians are hanging the laundry out to dry. Yet who is drying Wendy’s underpants?
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. This time the blow is planned from someone named Antonio and his deadly suitcase.
This is Carrot that unites all the characters of the story. The Hare doesn’t have a carrot. But the Snowman has it.
It is an absolutely wonderful Barbiland, made of plastic and safe.
Karl is tired of the heavy burden of fame that oppresses him and he decides to liberate himself from it. He returns to life among so called ordinary people, after which he crosses paths with fame-seeking Marilyn. Ordinary Karl is the force that turns Marilyn into an idol of the masses. But not for long…
The animated film “The Year of the Monkey” is a story of a monkey who lives in a zoo and, as chance would have it, is forced to start living like a human being.
It is the story about a fox that goes to heaven to visit her uncle, and gets cruelly cast down.