ANIMAC - International Animated Film Festival (Lleida, Spain)

    Matches: 5

      Architecture Awakens! Animated magical realism, l´etat naturel!


      The telecommunication between the wolf and humans leads to a situation where the law of gravity changes to the unknown.

      • Festival Year: 2010
      • Participation/Award: Participation
      • Description: International competition
      • Animated film, Cartoon
      • Martinus Daane Klemet

      In the high seas, a legless Fisherman meets a big two-headed Ship, where weird handless Creatures are dancing around their big Goddess.

      • Festival Year: 1998
      • Participation/Award: Participation
      • Animated film, Puppet
      • Peep Pedmanson

      Urbanized youth is searching for his soul – his vital force.

      • Festival Year: 1998
      • Participation/Award: Participation
      • Animated film, Puppet
      • Mait Laas

      Multiplying the existing point of view the actual oneness seems changes to unevenness.

      • Festival Year: 1998
      • Participation/Award: Participation
      • Animated film, Puppet
      • Mati Kütt

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