Short documentary, directed by Maria Aua, is about her childhood home memories when her family were sitting tenants.
Maria recalls memories with her sister about their childhood home where they lived as sitting tenants. They had to leave their home because of new property reform that was set in the beginning of 90s. The house was given back to its rightful owners, Maria's home belonged all of the sudden to someone else. Former home is well captured into her and her sisters memories, there are lots of nice dreams but also unlikable ones – these are about the new house owners acts who wanted to get rid of tenants by eliminating step by step basic living conditions until Maria and her family had to pack their belongings and leave. Maria and her sistere were children then and all what happened is memorised as a bad dream which still haunts them. Maria discusses and recalls events happened in the past with her sister and psychologist, finally she returns to the childhood house and meets the owner once again.