Short film tells a story about a young space cadet, who gets stranded alone on an unknown planet.
The year is 2436. Humans have abandoned Earth and live in international space stations. At an early age they have to learn how to operate a space craft. While training, Lilit (10) accidentally gets stranded on an unknown planet. The core of the spaceship is damaged and she needs to fix it fast before the cold weather and hunger takes her. She meets an android (Noah) on the planet. Noah is operating on the same core that the spaceship needs to start working again. As she has learned the 3 rules of robotics by Asimov, she approaches Noah. The android however doesn't seem to pay her much attention. That angers the young pilot and she attacks Noah to steal its core.Before she manages to achieve her objective, the cold and hunger gets the better of her. When she wakes up she finds herself beside a warm bonfire. They start bonding with the android while it is repairing the original core. Once done, Noah sends Lilit back home.