Monette enters a confession booth and asks the priest if he thinks god may have sent someone to kill his wife. At first the priest is offended by this blasphemous question, but Monette argues that he thinks he’s able to prove it and tells the priest the grim story of what happened.
Monette enters a confession booth. He asks the priest if he thinks god may have sent someone to kill his wife. To not further offend the priest, Monette tells him the story that led him to such a bizarre question. While on the road he picked up a hitchhiker who was holding up a sign saying he is deaf and mute. They fail to communicate but Monette uses the freedom to talk to someone who cannot hear him and therefore cannot judge him. He tells him that his wife Barb confessed that she’s cheating on him with a man called Cowboy Bob. They moved out to Rendezvous Motel and not only do they have an awful lot of sex - also they started gambling to win the money back.
All of that led to them piling up a debt of more than 120.000 dollars. Barb regularly calls Monette to ask him for money and when he doesn’t give in she blames him for everything. After venting all of that to the not listening hitchhiker he makes a quick stop to go to the toilet and when he returns to the car he finds the ...