• 2004
      • Documentary, Problem oriented
      • Director: Meeme Kerge
      • Duration: 28:00

    Born as an Estonian citizen in Viru county, Estonia, in January 1950, Rein Mikke was involuntarily adopted by the employees of The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) and his name was changed to Vladimir Levchenkov, later Aleksey Levchenkov. Originally an Estonian citizen must acquire another citizenship while living in his homeland due to the fact that the act of involuntary adoption remained lawfully valid and Mikke's identity was proved only by his red passport. Now his aim is to take back his real name and citizenship. Eesti sünnijärgne kodanik on sunnitud oma kodumaal elama võõra riigi kodanikuna, ainsaks isikut tõendavaks dokumendiks punapass, kuna kohus keeldus sundlapsendamist õigustühiseks muutmast. Mehe soov on taastada oma tegelik päritolu ja nimi.

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