On the Border of Two Worlds

    • Title in Estonian: Katõ ilma veere pääl
      • 1990
      • Documentary
      • Director: Karl Kello
      • Duration: 29:19
    On the Border of Two Worlds

    Mighty kings and seven hundred years of great wars could not destroy the small Seto nation, even if the fifty years of the Soviet regime has been extremely hard. After World War 2, the ancient habitat of Setu peoples - Pechorsky district that had belonged to the first Republic of Estonia – was annexed to Russia. Half of the Seto population of five thousand people remained in Estonia and the other half in Russia. The life of both halves has been very different. And despite that the small nation attemps to preserve their mentality and language, religious traditions, to cherish and develop their unique folk culture and their ancestors' intellectual heritage. Despite the harsh historical events, the Seto people in Estonia has survived and preserved the consistency of their cultural heritage.

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    Film Production Area



    Title Area

    • Parallel titles
      On the Border of Two Worlds
      Kahe ilma piiril
      Между двух миров
    • Film Category
    • Text / Dialogue
    • Voiceower

    Physical Description Area

    • Basic physical description (film)
      3 osa, 35 mm, color, 839,8m, 29:19, sound, FA 4430

    Archival Data from the Film Archive

    • Incoming date
    • Delivered by
    • Archival collection name
      Tallinnfilm AS
    • Archival collection nr
    • Archival item nr
    • Usage copy
      741 DVD, 744 DVCAM
    • Access restrictions
    • Additional materials
      Filmiannotatsioon Muusikaleht Setukeelsed tekstid eestikeelsete tõlgetega Ingliskeelne diktoritekst Linastusluba Montaažileht (eestikeelne) Filmidokumendi tehnilise seisukorra aktid
    • Other locations of the item and documents
      Eesti Riigiarhiiv: ERA.R-1707.1.2963 Põhidokumentatsioon
      Eesti Riigiarhiiv: ERA.R-1707.2.360 Eestikeelne montaažleht

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