Year | Film title | Type | Crew | Actor |
2008 | "Depraved of sleep" | Students film | Isa | |
2008 | "Pimedad aknad" | TV feature | Mati | |
2007 | "Whatever, Aleksander!" | Feature film | Isa | |
1992 | "Three Baltic Love Stories: Mattias and Ann. Estonian Spring 1991" | Feature film | Näitleja | |
1988 | "Narva kosk II seeria" | TV feature | Muuseumi direktor | |
1986 | "Võtmeküsimus" | TV feature | Erich Viltok, parteisekretär | |
1985 | "Kahe kodu ballaad I seeria" | TV feature | Koosoleku juhataja | |
1977 | "Devil on Earth" | TV feature Other categories |
Seadusesilm, Kohtunik, Oksjonihärra, Sulane | |
1974 | "Colourful Dreams" | Feature film | Vikerkaar | |
1970 | "Lost" | Feature film | Üliõpilaste esindaja | |
1968 | "Pimedad aknad I seeria" | TV feature | Mati |