Year | Film title | Type | Crew | Actor |
1993 | "Cabbage Head" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1992 | "Incipit Vita Nova" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1992 | "The Smoked Sprat Baking in the Sun" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1991 | "The Gnome's Tree" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1991 | "The House Spirit" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1991 | "Vennad ja õed" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1990 | "Brides of Death" | Animation | Decorator Artist Puppet maker |
1990 | "Jackpot" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1990 | "Koolilood I Looduslugu" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1990 | "Koolilood II Muusikafilmtund" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1990 | "Koolilood III Astronoomiatund" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1990 | "Koolilood IV Geograafiatund" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1990 | "Peeping Gnooms" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1989 | "Elu ja surm" | Animation | Puppet maker | |
1989 | "Kõrb" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1989 | "Noblesse oblige" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1989 | "Pärandus" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1989 | "Roheline soov" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1988 | "Theatre Papa Carlo" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1988 | "Tööd ja tegemised" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1981 | "Paberileht" | Animation | Puppet maker | |
1981 | "Une-Mati lood VI (Kus on Buratino?)" | Animation | Puppet maker | |
1980 | "Karsumm" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1980 | "Ohver" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1980 | "Une-Mati lood V (Seiklused kõrbes)" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1980 | "Välek Vibulane" | Animation | Puppet Designer Puppet maker |
1979 | "Giufa" | Animation | Puppet maker | |
1979 | "Kaupmees ja ahvid" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1979 | "When Men Sing" | Animation | Puppet Designer | |
1978 | "Bonycrone and Captain Drum" | Animation | Puppet maker |