The series open the viewer to the current state of Estonian forests and shows how political decisions have affected the use of the common property. The series also offers solutions to move out of the deadlock of the debate and directs attention to the information that has been buried under the messages of controlled communication in the information noise of the forest war.
Documentary about the activities of the Baltic University in post-war Hamburg.
Film introducing the life of expatriate Estonians in Tasmania and Sydney who have obtained academic degrees.
The festive opening ceremony of the Chair of Estonian Studies at Toronto University held in the great hall of Estonian House in Toronto on October 4, 1986.
The festive opening ceremony of the Chair of Estonian Studies at Toronto University held in the great hall of Estonian House in Toronto on October 4, 1986.
The festive opening ceremony of the Chair of Estonian Studies at Toronto University held in the great hall of Estonian House in Toronto on October 4, 1986.
The festive opening ceremony of the Chair of Estonian Studies at Toronto University held in the great hall of Estonian House in Toronto on October 4, 1986.
The family chronicle of the activities of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in 1977-1979. 20th wedding anniversary. Enn Nõu defends his Doctoral thesis. In Stockholm skerries. Winter with lots of snow. The speedboat is let into water.
Portrait documentary about Vitali Bonchuk, worker with a higher degree at the production industry "Vasar".
Gathering at the student spring party at the botanical garderns of Uppsala University in May 1964. American politician Adlai Stevenson is holding a speech.
Important events of the Estonian Students' Society in Uppsala, Sweden in 1962-1963.
Agronomist Kaarel Vahtras with the Kotsar family in Ultuna Agricultural College, Uppsala in 1963.
Festive meeting and anniversary exhibition at the State University of Tartu.