Deep, funny and provocative story of a girl who escaped a hippy eco-commune as a child and became a cosmopolitan citizen. Who will save the planet if not the last generation?
The life of Endel Saarepuu (70) is filled with art. The older the artist gets, the easier his life becomes and the more talking is his work.
A regular day at the car shop comes to an end when two friends Kiik and Eerik discover their boss’s dead body. After Kiik finds his girlfriend cheating him with a local playboy, he suffers a mental breakdown and runs away.
As a train weaves its way up to the arctic circle, two strangers share a journey that will change their perspective on life.
Tales of a Toy Horse is a film about being human and its possibility even when there is war around you.
Film student Joosep Ehasalu’s short documentary glimpses in a small boy`s secret world, filled with ships and the sea and some trouble concentrating.
To change the world, one needs to start within.
Having unwillingly agreed to become the Godfather to his ex-wife’s newborn baby, Andres falls deep into the pool of self-pity. Luckily,he has his best friends Mart and Toomas by his side who take Andres to tantra camp to find the most beautiful woman to accompany him at the baptising.
Stained glass artist fights for her existence and for new orders. Looking back to her long life, she investigates her current situation and motives of her creativeness.
Georgian environmental activist Dato Chipashvili fights against hundred million investment projects putting the interests of local people and transparency first.
Imagine a city, where graffiti wasn’t illegal, a city where everybody could draw whatever they liked. Where every street was awash with a million colors and little phrases. Imagine a city like that and stop leaning against the wall – it’s wet.
Filmmaker Manfred Vainokivi portrays physics teacher Mart Kuurme teaches physics and astronomy to children in Africa.
The short film by Kaur Koka, a master's film student, is about a chance meeting between two people and love at first sight.
Little brother falls ill and gets all of the attention and care of the rest of the family.
Two grand old masters, artists Evald Okas and photographer Kalju Suur, are recording the beauty of a naked woman.
A young man, trick bicyclist, loses his self-confidence when he has to create a terrorist persona for a computer game.
Does the list of schools based on formal results prove anything after all? The documentary tells about a small school - Misso Secondary School - that is the last one in the list.
Documentary about the original world of Tanel Koppen, a man from Viru county, Estonia.
The documentary tells a story about a pine tree in Northern Estonia in Tõnis Laanemaa's artwork.
The feature film for children directed by Rene Vilbre tells about Martin and his magical friend. Together the friends solve problems that 10-year-old children face in their everyday life.
The feature film directed by Leida Laius is based on the youth novel "Stepmother" by Silvia Rannamaa. The socially sensitive drama is telling the story about the children growing up in an orphanage and about parents' responsibility for their children's fate.
The Jubileun Song Festival is shown as the sopurce of creativity that influences on creation of a painting.
Portrait documentary about Heinrich Valk, a graphic artist, metal artist, cartoon artist and book illustrator.
Documentary about the mental world and activities of kindergarten children.