It is impossible for a man who has been in the war to forget what he experienced. Again and again the past catches up with him. Even in his dreams. The only way to face your demons is to make fun of them.
The documentary portrays the acclaimed Song Festival conductor and music teacher Lydia Rahula.
Uncompromising "Crazy Coach" Arvi Aavik is creating the Estonian women's wrestling team out of a few capable girls.
The documentary introduces wedding traditions and rites in Kihnu island, Estonia.
Festive dinner in Toronto held in honor of the restoration of independence of the Baltic states.
The Nõu family visits Helga's brother Rein Raukas for the latter's 50th birthday in Saltsjöbaden on November 20, 1989.
State Academic Male Choir performs to the audience of expatriate Estonians in the Convocation Hall of Toronto University in spring 1989.
Celebrating the 75th anniversary of Estonian scouting in Toronto Estonian House. Greeting speeches by the organization representatives.
Architect Eduard Olari's recordings about his family life. Olari has also filmed event chronicles of expatriate Estonians.
Trips of the Estonian National Male Choir, founded in Stockholm in 1944, both in homeland and abroad in 1967-1970.
Celebration of the 60th birthday of art historian Sten Karling in the Estonian House, Stockholm, on Junary 14, 1966.
Reception of the olympic medalist Ants Antson in the Baltic railway station, Tallinn.
Christmas time in the Olari family's home in 1963. Little Heli-Ann Klaar in her home.
Newsreel dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kreenholm Manufacturing Company.
Portrait film about Ado Elvelt, a model maker at the Tallinn Paper Factory No. 2.
Children congratulating President Konstantin Päts in the morning of his 65th birthday in 1939.
Burlesque comedy filmed in Tallinn in early 20th century where among Estonian actors the following ones act: Paul Pinna, Betty Kuuskmann, August Kuuskmann and Alfred Sällik. Reputedly the first Estonian feature film that has been preserved.