In the third film of medieval thriller, Melchior's wife Keterlyn witnesses a brutal attack. The life of an unknown young man is saved, but the victim who has lost his memory does not know who he is and how he ended up in Tallinn.
An ode to a faded jewel in the heart of the Estonian capital – Tallinn Hippodrome. Once a majestic racecourse track, all that is left is a lonely horse stable. Today it has become a social club for bizarre parties, engagement photo sessions and a home for young girls and old men taking care of the remaining racehorses.
A young man tries to escape a mysterious institution he is held in.
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." Lao-Zi.
A story about a man, who, going against the materialistic culture of life finds his passion in helping other people.
A Lao village girl’s only chance of escaping indentured poverty is to manipulate her wealthy cousin’s illness into dependence.
The feature film directed by German filmmaker Chris Kraus has been inspired by the memoirs of the director's great aunt of Baltic German origin, Oda Schaefer, where she talks about her youth in Estonia directly before the World War 1.
Documentary by Märt Sildvee opens up the themes of antidepressants and depression as well as studies the myths related to the disease and its treatment.
In South-Estonia, being cast the evil eye, or the malocchio, remains a daily threat for those admired or envied by others.
Full-length action film directed by Peeter Simm is based on the children's book "Arabella, the Pirate's Daughter" by Aino Pervik. The story is about the thin line between the good and the evil and about the fateful crossing of that line. räägib hea ja kurja vahelisest piirist, mille ületamine on saatuslik.
A story of the good witch Bonycrone and her friend Captain Drum.
The drama based on the ballad of prose "The Pastor of Reigi" by Finnish-Estonian writer Aino Kallas depicts the conflict between the dogmatic philosophies, humanity and love.
The second film of the trilogy (based on the novels "Spring", "Summer" and "Autumn" by Oskar Luts) directed by Arvo Kruusement follows the life of the characters known from "Spring" with a humorous undertone.
This is a merry fairytale abpud medieval Tallinn where Mart, apothecary's apprentice invents marzipan.