In the third film of medieval thriller, Melchior's wife Keterlyn witnesses a brutal attack. The life of an unknown young man is saved, but the victim who has lost his memory does not know who he is and how he ended up in Tallinn.
A spy thriller about an Estonian intelligence officer, who has to track down a mysterious Soviet double agent on the eve of WWII.
"Look back with me and maybe you will find out something new about documentary cinema, which is nothing else but life after death." Herz Frank.
The story of daughter of a Cold War double agent.
The documentary introduces excerpts of those against the Nicaragua Canal fighting for their human rights, public order, democracy, private property and freedom of expression.
The film summarises the sad truth about the “games” played at the edge by Konstantin Päts, the first President of the Republic of Estonia, and Johan Laidoner, the then Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in Estonia.
A fantasy thriller about a female spy and a diver who knows the secrets of starfish.
In South-Estonia, being cast the evil eye, or the malocchio, remains a daily threat for those admired or envied by others.
Documentary by Märt Müür about the life of Kalev Raave - a head of agricultural holding, member of the communist party and a social activist.
Short film directed by Toomas Tahvel based on the short story of the same title by Osvald Tooming.
This is a modern fairytale about a little atom-guy Athomic, who learns to use its mighty power in behalf of people.
In the next film Kõps happens to be in the land of stones.
Kõps and Wiseman survive from the plane crash and find themselves on a deserted island.
The secont trip of cameraman Kõps takes him to the forest of berries.
A film puppet Kõps has a fairytale-like trip to a land of Mushrooms.