The journey of Estonian athletes who pursue excellence in overlooked sports despite minimal support.
It is a fun insight into the life of a day center for elderly.
A story about time and music, friendship and love and death, life in current times and about childhood in the 70s.
The documentary portrays the acclaimed Song Festival conductor and music teacher Lydia Rahula.
I’m the monk and the lover, I’m the chosen one and the abandoned one, I’m the inbreath and the outbreath.
To create a new, you have to give up the old. As a result of the dust, physical and dirty work of construction workers the building of the former textile factory Rauaniit gives birth to a modern Art Academy.
To change the world, one needs to start within.
Vahur Laiapea has recorded Estonians' projects in Afghan and the local life.
The Koop Cup gymnastics competition takes place for the third time in Canada. Opening show of the cup, competiton performances, Evelyn Koop behind the referees' desk.
Opening march of Koop CUP gymnastics competition in Tait MacKenzie Center of York University, Toronto, Canada.
Koop CUP gymnastics competition in Tait MacKenzie Center of York University, Toronto, Canada.
Documentary of popular science introduces the growth problems of a teenager girl.
Elite gymnasts' groups are performing at 4th International Estonian Days in Toronto, held in July 8-15, 1984. The groups hold folk dance performance "Clever-Ants and the Old Devil" and the operetta "The Fisher Girl".
The summer camp of Estonian children in Stockholm near Lake Krön, Krönbaden in the summer of 1948.
Gymnastics and folk dance both in Sydney and Melbourne. 8th Estonian Days take place in Melbourne in December 1972.