Stand-up comedy seems like an easy thing to do - you get on stage, tell funny stories for an hour and also swear a little. Sander Õigus has been doing stand-up for over ten years, let's see how the truth becomes the truth and a joke becomes a joke.
All is well that ends well.
Who's the man waving the flag?
Conductor Elo Tammsalu-Schmitz left Estonia 20 years ago because of love. As she prepares to take the European Choir of Estonians to the Estonian national Song Celebration, her German husband Hartmut also needs to learn the songs.
Documentary by Hans Roosipuu and Enn Säde about the Shmigun family with its two athlete daughters Kristina and Katrin striving towards top results.
Portrait documentary about volleyball coach Ivan Dratshov who can be undoubtedly called the Father of Estonian volleyball.
Watching forsränning or rafting in Uppsala with coopers. Putting on white hats in Sigtuna on May 1, 1989. Literary critics Rutt Hinrikus and Toomas Liiv in Sweden.
Portrait documentary by Nikolai Sharubin about composer and conductor Gustav Ernesaks during the 20th Song Festival.