The documentary portrays the acclaimed Song Festival conductor and music teacher Lydia Rahula.
It has been several decades since graduating from school when Aljona Suržikova decides to find her classmates in different parts of the world. Her goal is to compare the friendsbook what was created in their youth with today's reality.
An amateur school theatre troupe reveals the intangible bond between actor and character, illustrating its deep impact on their personal development.
Georgian environmental activist Dato Chipashvili fights against hundred million investment projects putting the interests of local people and transparency first.
People of Kihnu island fifty years ago and in the year of 2014.
Russian children study Estonian language with the Total Immersion Method in a Tallinn school in 2001-2012.
The feature film directed by Katrin Laur tells the story of a girl who grows up in a periphery of Estonia, in the middle of unemployment and alcoholism. Her parents are unable to lead a good life and without love, hope and grace their family would be broken.
Musical adventure comedy is the second feature film directed by Rasmus Merivoo. It is based on the children's book "The Golden Key or the adventures of Buratino" by Aleksey Tolstoy. The film is a co-production of Estonia and Russia.
Does the list of schools based on formal results prove anything after all? The documentary tells about a small school - Misso Secondary School - that is the last one in the list.
This is the second feature film directed by Rainer Sarnet telling the story about two girls in their teens searching for identity and discovering friendship and love.
The drama directed by Ilmar Raag is based on real stories of school bullying, following the process of growing violence culminating with a tragic denouement. The screenplay has been written in collaboration with the participating schoolchildren.
Documentary commissioned by Nõmme city district government about the former independent garden suburb - Nõmme.
The family film directed by Aare Tilk is based on the story "A Tale About Rein" by Toomas Raudam. The film tells about the lost and the found, friendship, caring for each other, and the events of a small town in Estonia in 1960s.
The folksy comedy is the last one in the trilogy based on the works by Oskar Luts directed by Arvo Kruusement. Previous films of the trilogy are "Summer" (released in 1976) and "Spring" (released in 1969). In "Autumn" the main focus is on Jorh Adniel Kiir, the tailor of Paunvere, and his misadventures while getting married and buying a farm.
Expatriate Estonian, poet Kalju Lepik, visits his fatherland Estonia after having been away from it for about 50 years.
A feature film directed by Valentin Kuik is based on his short story "The Formula", telling about the young graduates of a small town in Estonia in 1960s.
Documentary directed by Heli Speek about Estonian and Russian writers, litarary translation and cultural relations.
Portrait documentary directed by Heli Speek about Kalju Teras, headmaster of Põltsamaa Secondary School.
Director Peeter Tooming portrays the smallest school in Estonia in Kassilaane, Põlva district where only three children study.
The first year of activity of the agricultural enterprise of Viljandi district, Estonia.
Spring celebration in Gothenburg Estonian Elementary School in May 1976.
The children's film directed by Valdur HImbek is based on the story "Fire in the Darkened City" by Eno Raud, telling about the schoolchildren's fearless games with fire during the German occupation.
The third-graders of Tallinn 21st Secondary School before joining the Communist pioneer movement.
The first independent feature film directed by Arvo Kruusement is based on the story "The Spring" by Oskar Luts, depicting events of a school year in an Estonian church parish school at the end of 19th century. This lyrical and jolly youth story full of hope has been selected as the best Estonian feature film of all times.