Riho Västrik portrays Lake Ülemiste as a source of drinking water and a valuable natural environment.
Is the global environmental crisis concerning just our environment or is it also the crisis of our habits, expectations and values?
Does the list of schools based on formal results prove anything after all? The documentary tells about a small school - Misso Secondary School - that is the last one in the list.
Owners of Lanksaare Farm near Estonian-Latvian border raise Estonian native cattle; lots of energy is put into preserving this rare breed.
It's a film about consumerism, about people, who have lost themselves in a world of things.
Documentary by Peeter Toomingas about Siberian small nation and relationship between people and nature.
Enn and Helga Nõu's meetings with expatriate Estonian writers and cultural activists in 1972-1980.
Documentary directed by Peep Puks about Anton Hansen Tammsaare, an Estonian literary classic.
Enn and Helga Nõu's trip to Canada and to the United States of America - Kotkajärve Forest University and Washington.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1973-1974.
Married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu spend time with their children in picturesque places in Sweden in summer 1974. Speedboat ride to Lake Hjälmaren and back.
Acquaintances of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in Sweden in 1972-1974.
Acquaintances of married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in Sweden in 1970-1973.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1970-1971. Kolmården zoo, Linköping, Vikings' site in Birka, Gripsholm Castle, Christmas time and birthdays.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in December 1970 and in spring of 1971. Christmas time, spring in the Fiby primeval forest reserve. The family's new motorboat.
The married writers' couple Enn ja Helga Nõu spend time with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in near surroundings from the Midsummer Day 1969 to Walpurgis Night 1970.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1970. Near the Lake Ekoln, Midsummer Day in Gamla-Uppsala, in the Linné Hammarby botanical gardens belonging to the University of Uppsala, in Furuvik recreation park.
Documentary about the Poultry Experimental Farm in Kurtna, Estonia.
The 5th general camp "Põhjala" of Estonian guides and scouts takes place in Kungsbaka by Lake Lygnern, Sweden in July 18 - 27, 1964.
After installing many trail cameras to his forest, Finnish pensioner Hannu opens a unforeseen door to the Finnish nature and creates a true connection to lynxes living there.
The feathered have conquered Pae park. Ringvar Heamägi puts his life on the line and covers the story.
It was my first time leaving Estonia with no thoughts of return. It was the first time I changed my life completely for something as unexpected as love.
Meeting a swan may be an introspective experience, similarly to facing the nature of Iceland, its magnificent mountains, watery grasslands and powerful winds. For a nine-year-old girl Sól all this won't be a free choice since her family sends her away to the wild and lonely nature because of a theft.
The documentary introduces excerpts of those against the Nicaragua Canal fighting for their human rights, public order, democracy, private property and freedom of expression.
Love can strike you like a bolt from the blue – when you’re least prepared for it.
The film project "EINASTO 11577" is dedicated to one of the famous "stars" in Estonia, the academician Jaan Einasto.