An observational film about how the nature and humans can coexist on a small island.
A Mother and daughter, searching for an answer to what could be the fuel for life in a small country Estonia. One of them grows Nettle, the other one is a famous youtuber.
The film portrays Estonian rally driver Ott Tänak, one of the most elusive athletes in the eyes of the media with highly reclusive character. His self-willed tenacity has forged this stubborn country boy with a roller coaster career into a driven WRC-pilot who for the first time has in reach the fulfilment of his childhood dream – to snatch the world championship title from the equally hungry competitors.
Documentary directed by Jaak Kilmi about Lucavsala (Lutsusaar) in the heart of Riga, Latvia and about the battle of the local gardening cooperative for existence.
Excursion on a ship "West" to the island of Kihnu on June 29, 1990. Visiting Kihnu Local History Museum and St. Nicholas' Church.
Documentary directed by Mark Soosaar about the island of Kihnu, its residents and the social problems of the local society.
Documentary by Peeter Tooming about the problems in a village of Hiiumaa island and about the three "old school" workers who live in the island.
Autumn gathering of Metroo in Björkö island, September 1982.
Metroo summer days held in Veskijärve in 1979 and in Gotland in 1980. ESTO 80 in Stockholm.
The summer camp of the Swedish Forest University (Metroo) in Gotland on July 14-21, 1980.
Relatives and acquaintances of the married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu in Sweden in 1975-1977.
In Gotska Sandön and Utö islands in Stockholm Archipelago.
Documentary about the island of Osmussaare in the present day, recollections about the battles of 1941.
The married couple Enn and Helga Nõu's activities with their family in summer 1974. Trip to Öland.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in the summer of 1973: the song festival in Stockholm, ride with the speedboat to Gräso through Stockholm archipelago.
The Nõu family with Kalju Lepik's family at their summer cottage in Väddo island on July 22nd, 1972.
Documentary in Russian language introducing Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. The film is a part of the series produced in USSR "Unbreakable Union".
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in December 1970 and in spring of 1971. Christmas time, spring in the Fiby primeval forest reserve. The family's new motorboat.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1970. Enn and Helga are visiting former homes in Adelsö and Fagerrudd where they first went to live with their parents after emigrating from Estonia in 1944.
The personal drama directed by Veljo Käsper is based on the novel series "The Windy Shore" part III by Aadu Hint where the events take part during the First World War and the Russian Revolution. The basic principles of both human lives and society are put to the test.
Nesting area of sea birds in Vaika island.
Documentary by Ülo Tambek about the Soviet soldiers who fought in Hiiumaa island in 1941 and about the life in the island in mid-1960s.
Heartfelt documentary about the island of Vaindloo and its six residents.