
    Matches: 10
    • Estonian well known writer Mehis Heinsaar has seven encounters during his journey in the wilderness, which will open to the viewer the magical inner world of the writer.

    • A cosmonaut will always be a cosmonaut. To the very end.

    • "Look back with me and maybe you will find out something new about documentary cinema, which is nothing else but life after death." Herz Frank.

    • This family film from Estonian Grand Old Man of nature film Rein Maran, is a story of a child’s explorations of nature and first notices of the surrounding biodiversity. The viewer will find themselves discovering, through his eyes, all possible kinds of miraculous creatures in the grass, on plants, in shrubs and in sky-reaching trees, sharing his astonishment and joy of first discovery.

    • Tragicomical short film directed by Lauri Randla about pathologist Alexei Abrikosov who embalmed Lenin's body and gained victory over death.

    • The historical drama directed by Hardi Volmer is a love story combining the elements of epopee and comedy, the grotesque of early silent film and the melodrama of the golden era of cinema.

    • A man dreams of a woman. The woman is, in turn, interested in someone else.

    • Two young ladybirds Tim and Mia are unexpectedly taken into a human family’s house together with a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Tim and Mia set about seeking the way back to the forest.

    • A parable examining questions of ethics in human relationships based on the miniature "The Fly, the Cockroach and the Spider" written by Anton Hansen Tammsaare.