The documentary feature takes the audience into the world of men living in rural Estonia, showing us the simple joys and sorrows of their everyday life.
A primal and oneiric documentary about nature and creativity.
The documentary portrays the acclaimed Song Festival conductor and music teacher Lydia Rahula.
The film gives us a look into a year in our recent history, namely the year 2019, which polarised our people in politics and between generations. Without choosing sides and without unnecessary explanations the events shown in the film create a thought provoking story about a nations arrival to the end of the industrial age.
Captain Fyodor Volkonogov, a well-respected and obedient USSR law enforcer, witnesses his peers being suspiciously questioned. Sensing his turn is approaching, he escapes and is soon on the run, hunted by his former colleagues. Vulnerable and hopeless, Fyodor comes to realize what he had been part of, and that repentance is the only way for him to escape the eternal torment of Hell. But time is running out and the manhunt is closing in on him...
Two city kids, zero smartphones, one village. When left at Granny’s the siblings find an instruction on how to build a devilish creature. The only missing puzzle is one soul...
Conductor Elo Tammsalu-Schmitz left Estonia 20 years ago because of love. As she prepares to take the European Choir of Estonians to the Estonian national Song Celebration, her German husband Hartmut also needs to learn the songs.
An emotional documentary about life in a small Estonian town during 100 years.
A student concert of works by Arvo Pärt was held in 2011 in the Tallinn Swedish St Michael´s Church as a collaboration between the Old Town Music School in Tallinn and the Arvo Pärt Centre.
A student concert of works by Arvo Pärt was held in 2011 in the Tallinn Swedish St Michael´s Church as a collaboration between the Old Town Music School in Tallinn and the Arvo Pärt Centre. This is a DVD recording of the rehearsals for the concert.
The feature film directed by Rainer Sarnet is based on the novel "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The filmmaker interprets the well-known classic in a contemporary film language with talented Estonian actors and actresses who perform in the enchanting yet intimidating beauty of a sacral space.
Estonian Television Childrens' Choir grows up together with the Republic of Estonia.
Arvo Pärt´s work, "... which was the son of..." was pecially commissioned for the contcert tour of European capitals of culture in 2000.
This is an Estonian fairytale about Mosquitoes who affirm to fight and win Horse.
Estonian Consulate General in Sydney, activities of Estonian Houses and unions in Australia.
Opening of 16h Estonian Days in Melbourne. Performance by the theatre group of Estonian House, cabaret performance and acts by folk dance group.
Concert to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Republic of Latvia held in the great hall of Toronto University in November 1993.
Celebration of the Independence Day in Toronto in 1991.
The folksy comedy is the last one in the trilogy based on the works by Oskar Luts directed by Arvo Kruusement. Previous films of the trilogy are "Summer" (released in 1976) and "Spring" (released in 1969). In "Autumn" the main focus is on Jorh Adniel Kiir, the tailor of Paunvere, and his misadventures while getting married and buying a farm.
Church service of expatriate Latvians in Canada held in Toronto, followed by speeches supporting the regaining of independence of the three Baltic states in 1990.
Amateur video recorded by Edgar Väär where the arrival of the Boy's Choir of the Estonian National Male Choir to Toronto has been shown in the autumn of 1989. The film depicts the reception and greeting by the local community.
The 71st anniversary of the Republic of Estonia was celebrated in the hall of Toronto University where speeches were given by Canadian politician Tony Ruprecht and the Estonian Honorary Consul in Canada Ilmar Heinsoo.
The Estonian National Male Choir sang in Canada to the foreign Estonian audience for the first time in spring 1989.
Festive celebration of the 71st anniversary of the Republic of Estonia in Toronto in 1989 where also Ivo Linna and Alo Mattiisen are performing.
Merle Jääger, Ivo Linna and Alo Mattiisen perform at the festive ceremony dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Republic of Estonia in Toronto; Mart Laar holds a speech.
The video recorded by Edgar Väär depicts the concert of the Boys' Choir of the National Men's Choir held in Toronto Town Hall in autumn of 1989.
The video shot by Edgar Väär shows the concert of the Boys' Choir of the National Men's Choir in Toronto shopping center at the end of 1989.
Estonian National Male Choir is preforming for the first time to the foreign Estonian audience in Canada, in the Convocation Hall of Toronto University in spring 1989.
State Academic Male Choir performs to the audience of expatriate Estonians in the Convocation Hall of Toronto University in spring 1989.
Estonian National Male Choir gave its first concert to the foreign Estonian audience in Canada, in the Convocation Hall of Toronto University in spring 1989.
The Estonian National Male Choir sang in Canada to the foreign Estonian audience for the first time in spring 1989.
The video shot by Edgar Väär shows the arrival of the Boys' Choir of the National Men's Choir to Toronto, their reception and greeting by the local community of expatrian Estonians at the end of autumn 1989.
Estonian National Male Choir performs at the religious service in Toronto church in the spring of 1989, before the Easter Sunday.
Enn and Helga Nõu in Estonia. Commemoration of the 40th anniversary of March deportation near Tammsaare statue, Tallinn on March 25, 1989.
Celebration of 70th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia and fathering in Estonian Home in Norrköping on February 27, 1988.
Church service and ceremony in St Michael's Church and in the congregation house in Uppsala on February 28, 1988 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. Mixed choir "Sügisheli" is performing, conductor Lembit Leetmaa.