jogging in a forest

    Matches: 7
    • This film's central theme is freedom - human and above all artist's freedom: artistic, spiritual and physical, observed retroactively by the author herself. This sincere and confessional biography examines the author's complicated and versatile artistic nature. Marriage to a loved one brings on a clear understanding of responsibility. You become positive, that happy co-existence is what allows a human being to feel free. It is because of that freedom, that you can take on new challenges and understand, that be it painting, writing, acting, or filming - your art is one whole.

    • Documentary by Hans Roosipuu and Enn Säde about the Shmigun family with its two athlete daughters Kristina and Katrin striving towards top results.

    • Documentary follows track-and-field athlete Enn Sellik, his training process during one season and his more important competitions.

    • World camp "Metsakodu" takes place in Sweden on July 19-29, 1975.

      • 1975
      • Amateur films