To change the world, one needs to start within.
Short film directed by Ilmar Raag telling about the well-known story of Hamlet the Danish prince in a completely different way.
Documentary on problematic issues directed by Märt Müür whose film tells a story about diligent and successful heads of collective farm and how the Soviet system has unjustly harassed them, found them guilty and punished them.
The feature film directed Igor Yeltsov is based on the story "In the Same House" by Hans Leberecht. It is a personal drama about the political views developed during the Stalinist era.
The film directed by Viktor Nevezhin is based on the play "Where Are You Headed, Comrade Director?" by Aadu Hint, telling about the conflicts that the head of a collective farm is facing in his life and at work caused by the ruthless morality of Estonian pre-war society.
The feature film directed by Aleksandr Mandrokin is based on the novel "Captain of the First Rank" by Aleksey Novikov-Priboi, the author of well-known naval fiction. It is the first widescreen feature film produced by Tallinn Kinostuudio. Next to well-known Russian actors, Olev Eskola, Eve Kivi and other Estonian film actors perform.
The adventure film directed by Kaljo Kiisk and Viktor Nevezhin Kaljo Kiisa ja Viktor Nevežini lavastatud põnevik näitab, kuidas 1940. aasta juunipöörde päevil sõlmunud sündmusterida mõjutab inimeste elu veel pikkade aastate järel.
The drama directed by Aleksandr Mandrõkin tells the story about the struggle of a young indecisive chairman in order to save the degraded collective farm.
The melodrama with tragicomic elements is directed by Voldemar Päts depicts the ordeals and obstacles that one meets when being in love for the first time. The story has been interwoven with the subject of becoming illegally newly rich in Estonia in 1920s.