
    Matches: 8
    • Thrilled by rock music, inspired by the cult of peace and love, the young long-haired drop-outs craved for freedom and created their own System in the Soviet Union despite the strict regime of the 1970s.

    • Documentary directed by Jaak Kilmi about Lucavsala (Lutsusaar) in the heart of Riga, Latvia and about the battle of the local gardening cooperative for existence.

    • The historical drama directed by Hardi Volmer is a love story combining the elements of epopee and comedy, the grotesque of early silent film and the melodrama of the golden era of cinema.

    • Documentary about Estonian rock music as a birth-story of a fresh thought in the contradictional Soviet cultural space.

    • The political adventure film directed by Kalju Komissarov tells about the protesting youth in Estonia in early 1970s who will become victims of ideological diversion.