Music, that Shazam doesn’t know and Spotify can’t find.
Vladimir Loginov´s “Anthill” is a portrait of a giant garage located in the largest Soviet blockhouse area of Tallinn. Here 700 garage box owners form an extraordinary men’s club and vary from those who just keep their cars to those who adapt their boxes for living. The complex is a unique biosphere with the existence of private saunas, a restaurant, an animal clinic and other artifacts of life stuck in time 20 years back.
A film about a bunch of brainiacs, who, having seen too many sci-fi movies, start building the first Estonian student satellite Estcube to send it to outer space. They are comforted by the fact that in space technology nothing is certain and they are most likely to fail. Nothing to lose!
Portrait documentary directed by Heini Drui about Raivo Hein, a successful internet businessman, astrophotographer, adventurer and traveler.
A witty and insightful portrait film by Kullar Viimne speaks not only of the clash of civilizations and the everlasting conflict of idealism and inevitability but also sympathizes with the hardships of one small Estonian girl in a big world.
Documentary by Ene-Liis Semper and Tiit Ojasoo about the short and stormy development story of a non-existent political party "Unified Estonia" - the political theatre project lasted for 44 days.
Men offering sheep shearing services decide to face the challenge at the European shearing championships.
Portrait documentary by Riho Västrik about Valeri Kirss, organizer of Estonian beauty contests, at the height of his glory days.
The 11th grade pupils of Saaremaa Grammar School give the special cabaret performance at the end of every year held already for the 23th times.
Jaan Tootseni dokfilm jälgib ühe idealistliku liikumise, Uue Maailma Seltsi sündi, elu ja valu viie aasta jooksul.
Piet Boerefijn is a Dutchman who has founded Estonian Food Bank. His thinks his duty is to make society a more rightful and friendlier place.
Documentary about Tarmo Ladva, president of Potato Republic to be established in Laanemetsa village in Valga county, Estonia, and about the process of putting his expansive ideas into practice.
Galina Grossmann is an exceptional woman who paints Jesus, composes an opera about Jesus and performs the musical work with the influences of Estonian folklore to the residents of a retirement home.
Documentary by Finnish director Jouni Hiltunen about the enthusiasm, hopes and reality of railway constructors in Baikal-Amur district.
Frantšeska Vakkum, project manager at Kuressaare Open Youth Center, deals with problematic young people and wants to make the world a better place while helping children.
Documentary by Andres Sööt about Tõnu Tamm, owner of a tourism farm and a concert promoter.
A little village on the shore of a large sea. Two young dogs, Tom and Fluffy, are in love with each other. Their friend, Oskar the dog, is an inventor who has just invented a sugarmachine.
Portrait film by Jüri Sillart about one of the most prominent man in Estonian Television, a talented cinematographer Anton Mutt and about his tragic life.
Observations by Peeter Tooming about the history and present situation of Estonian history.
Documentary directed by Leida Laius about the activities of movement "Kodulinn" ("Hometown") in Tallinn in 1980s.
Portrait documentary about Viive Rosenberg, a scientist in Saku agricultural institute, whose aim is to improve potato cultivation.
Film about Heino Prost who restores old agricultural machines.
Documentary directed by Valeria Anderson about Šarl Piel, the brigade leader of the interior decorators of Tallinn Integrated Works of Housing and the brigade of Communist work.
The secont trip of cameraman Kõps takes him to the forest of berries.