An adventurer who dreams big and wants to prove to the world that his dream is possible, finds himself in the middle of the war and in the turmoil of complex human relationships...
Documentary about the activities of the Baltic University in post-war Hamburg.
Portrait documentary about Mikk Mikiver, a theatre director and an actor.
Documentary by Andres Sööt about the artists and art life in Tartu at the end of 1980s.
Acquaintances of married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu in 1962-1971.
Andres Sööt, a legendary documentary filmmaker in Estonia, records the environments and people in Tallinn cafes with his candid camera in late 1960s.
The black-and-white amateur film shot by Harald Perten depicts Aino Kallas's 75th birthday in Stockholm in August 1953.
Celebrating Marie Under's 70th birthday in her home in Stockholm.
Concert of Stockholm Estonian Youth Mixed Choir in Stockholm Concert Hall on November 4, 1951.
The funeral procession of Swedish king Gustaf V in the central Stockholm on November 9, 1950.
Performance of the Estonian Young Men's Christian Association Male Choir in Stockholm in 1949.
Estonian song festival held in Stockholm in 1948.
Training day for Estonian girl guides' leaders in Sweden in the Estonian primary school in Stockholm.
Festive gathering with concert in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary pf the Republic of Estonia held in the great hall of Stockholm Concert House in 1948.
Track and field competition in Stockholm on September 7, 1947.
The graduation ceremony at Estonian Upper Secondary School in Sigtuna in 1947.
Expatriate Swedes leave Estonia in August 1944. Life of Estonians in Mölle Refugee Centre, Sweden in 1945.
Tallinn after bombarding in March 1944.
Graduation ceremony and festive procession in the American International College.
Folk art celebration of Youth Community in Kadriorg stadium on June 16, 1940. Schoolchildrens' walk in Kadriorg Park.
Holiday trip of expatriate Estonians to Florida in 1939.
Chronicles about Berkshire music festival, Benson private zoo and flower show in Vermont.
President Konstantin Päts and his family in Oru, 1939.
Children congratulating President Konstantin Päts in the morning of his 65th birthday in 1939.
The family Baltsar's home garden full of blooms.
Holiday trip of John Baltsar's family to Greenfield and the views of Boston, USA.
Guest choirs at the 11th Song Celebration in Tallinn, June 1938.
An unknown German film amateur has recorded a tourist trip to Estonia in May 1939, including the city views of Tallinn, Pärnu, Viljandi, Pechory, Narva-Jõesuu etc.
Pre-war surroundings of Viljandi, the main building of the University of Tartu with Soviet symbols.
Benson's wild animal farm, Hagenbeck-Wallace circus parade in Hartford & Springfield.
The black-and-white amateur film depicts college graduation ceremony in USA in 1930ies and views about rose gardens in Massachusetts.
Family Baltsar's home garden in Hartford, USA.
Old couple visiting the Baltsars.
Overview about the pre-war life in USA.
It has been several decades since graduating from school when Aljona Suržikova decides to find her classmates in different parts of the world. Her goal is to compare the friendsbook what was created in their youth with today's reality.
It's David Vseviov's birthday - a day that becomes a journey through stories of time
Short documentary explores the notion that traumatic experiences can be passed on to future generations.
A documentary celebrating the work of Walerian Borowczyk, a director of unparalleled sensitivity, revered in the 1970s, who was later labeled as a maker of erotic movies.
Arvo Niitenberg gives an interview to TV channel CBC News where he talks about the job of the Minister of Energy in the newly established government of the Republic of Estonia.
Arvo Niitenberg's interview given to CBC News.
74th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia held in front of Toronto Town Hall.
Festive dinner in Toronto held in honor of the restoration of independence of the Baltic states.
The colour video film recorded by Edgar Väär depicts demonstration in Canada and speeches by different Canadian speakers in order to support independence of Lithuania and other Baltic countries.
Demonstration in Toronto on August 23rd 1991 for supporting the independence of the Baltic States.
Demonstration on Black Ribbon Day in Canada on August 23rd 1991 for supporting and acknowledging the independence of the Baltic States and other countries.