Stand-up comedy seems like an easy thing to do - you get on stage, tell funny stories for an hour and also swear a little. Sander Õigus has been doing stand-up for over ten years, let's see how the truth becomes the truth and a joke becomes a joke.
The film is about a strong Estonian woman who can handle everything and has experienced both traditional family life and much more.
When love is the greatest torment, will art or play save you? A dramatic documentary about author Vaino Vahing.
This film portraits Leonhard Lapin, a creator born in an Estonian small town called Räpina in the 1950s, who becomes one of the most outstanding avant-garde artists on the Soviet Estonian art and architecture scene. The film also reveals the creator’s worldview, beliefs and rebellious nature.
The end of one act is the beginning of another. The documentary about Toomas Edur tells us an intimate story about the most outstanding Estonian ballet artist, his searches, changes in his life and adapting to those changes.
Documentary about well known Estonian theatre director Kalju Komissarov.
Portrait documentary about cinematographer, film director and teacher Jüri Sillart.
Portrait documentary directed by Heini Drui about Raivo Hein, a successful internet businessman, astrophotographer, adventurer and traveler.
"Ballet Master", a documentary full of dancing, is a journey through the creative world of the internationally recognized choreographer Mai Murdmaa. Murdmaa is our guide and helps us see dancing as a medium for creating art. "Ballet Master" visualizes choreography but mostly gives it a meaning. Murdmaa's creative work and private life are inseparable. One ballet master, two different forms of society. One art - sacral, mystical, erotic, aesthetic - but so many difficult aspects before the creation can reach the audience.
Documentary by Artur Talvik and Peeter Vihma about the development and growth of civil society in Estonia.
Documentary by Ene-Liis Semper and Tiit Ojasoo about the short and stormy development story of a non-existent political party "Unified Estonia" - the political theatre project lasted for 44 days.
A documentary film portrait by Marianne Kõrver about Estonian renowned composer Erkki-Sven Tüür.
The destiny of Estonian monuments during different times.
Portrait documentary directed by Andres Maimik and Rain Tolk about Margus Lepa – the charismatic programme manager of Nõmme Radio, humorist, and the audience's favorite actor in the film trilogy "Spring", "Summer" and "Autumn".
Filmmakers Andres Maimik and Jaak Kilmi study the new religion of neo-Capitalist society - a selling strategy training.
The documentary was finished before the presidential election in 2007; it opposes the speeches and interviews held by Arnold Rüütel during the Soviet era with the ones held during the period of Estonia regaining its independence.
Estonian Television Childrens' Choir grows up together with the Republic of Estonia.
In a small country Estonia every year about 100 people go missing. Their close ones call for help both heavenly and earth forces in order to find the missing family members.
Portrait film by Jüri Sillart about one of the most prominent man in Estonian Television, a talented cinematographer Anton Mutt and about his tragic life.