Time stops when a young woman Emily contemplates after experiencing a sexual violence act. Will she manage to get over her tragedy and find purpose to live again?
Romantic comedy with old people.
Documentary directed by Sulev Keedus about the harsh daily life of people living in a small place called Mustjala, the island of Saaremaa; about the construction of a deep port at the coast of Saaremaa; and about the arrival of the bright white German cruise ship.
Ilo Jaik-Riedberg, daughter of writer Juhan Jaik, is the guide to take the viewers around Paris.
The debut feature film directed by Rao Heidmets is based on the children's story "Dear Mister Moon" by Aino Pervik and tells about children's yearning for genuine family relations.
Documentary on problematic issues directed by Märt Müür whose film tells a story about diligent and successful heads of collective farm and how the Soviet system has unjustly harassed them, found them guilty and punished them.
Daily life of Jaama village shop in Jõgeva district, Estonia.
The political detective film directed by Peeter Urbla is based on the sci-fi novel "Murder on the 31st Floor" by Swedish writer Per Wahlöö, warning against the social effects of media corruption.