A story about time and music, friendship and love and death, life in current times and about childhood in the 70s.
Reportage documentary directed by Andres Sööt records the most important events of Estonian fight for independence in 1990.
Political events in Estonia in 1988 and 1989.
Documentary chronicle directed by Andres Sööt about the influential events and the political awakening in Estonia in 1988.
Documentary on problematic issues directed by Märt Müür whose film tells a story about diligent and successful heads of collective farm and how the Soviet system has unjustly harassed them, found them guilty and punished them.
Opinions about perestroika by the residents of Moscow.
Portrait documentary about Arnold Matteus, the legendary architect of Tartu city, directed by Andres Sööt.
The sad destiny of neglected children.