It is impossible for a man who has been in the war to forget what he experienced. Again and again the past catches up with him. Even in his dreams. The only way to face your demons is to make fun of them.
A heart-warming portrait documentary "Shusha" explores in intimate atmosphere the daily life of Stanislav Stanislavovich Shushkevich, the first head of state of Belarus.
Meelis Muhu's documentary tells the story of the Soviet monument - the Bronze Soldier called Alyosha that was located in central Tallinn. The events around the monument culminated due to the dislocation of the monument in April 2007 and the following events called the Bronze Night when massive rioting and civil disorder took place on the streets of Tallinn.
Retired Esja Šur, a Russian citizen living in Sillamäe, Estonia spends her elderly days while organizing demonstrations, meetings and pickets.
Documentary directed by Heli Speek about cleric Harald Meri and the murder story of his housemaid in April 1990.
A warm portrait about the adventurous life of Ljuba Hermann, the beauty queen of Saaremaa from 1931.
Enn and Helga Nõu in Toomemäe hill and downtown of Tartu on March 28, 1989.
Documentary by Peeter Tooming about Ülo Leib, head of Kanepi village council.
Enn Nõu's trip to London in July 1974, Estonian Embassy in London. Acquaintances of the Nõu family.
Documentary by Andres Sööt and Mati Kask portrays Antarctic expeditions and its polar stations in 1968-1969.
Writer Enn Nõu's trip to Estonia in September 1967.
Writer Enn Nõu's trip to Estonia in September 1967.
Documentary by Ülo Tambek about the Soviet soldiers who fought in Hiiumaa island in 1941 and about the life in the island in mid-1960s.
Memorials, sites and people related to the revolutionary events in 1917 in Pärnu.
Flowers in the home garden; inspection of the Covernor's guard and the parade in Hartford; marines' trick drill at NY World's Fair; war veterans' memorial tower atop Mount Greylock; national monument for forefathers in Plymouth.
Views to the memorial column, church of Rapla and opening to the participants.