It's David Vseviov's birthday - a day that becomes a journey through stories of time
The daily bread of ministers of small congregations is not sermons in the church; it is constant work with the old and the dying. A holy man who has been removed from his friends and peers and suddenly transplanted into another culture is often lonely and broken himself.
Who's the man waving the flag?
Two political eras meet in the Estonian town of Tapa.
Six-year-old Leelo’s mother is deported to a Siberian prison camp during Stalinist repressions. The little girl tries to be as good as she can in the belief that this will bring her mother back home.
Opening of 16h Estonian Days in Melbourne. Performance by the theatre group of Estonian House, cabaret performance and acts by folk dance group.
The second part of the festive events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Republic of Latvia.
The third part of the festive events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Republic of Latvia.
Demonstration in Toronto on August 23rd 1991 for supporting the independence of the Baltic States.
Demonstration on Black Ribbon Day in Canada on August 23rd 1991 for supporting and acknowledging the independence of the Baltic States and other countries.
Celebration of "Baltic Freedom´91" at Nathan Phillips Square, Torontos. The Baltic people in Canada are celebrating the restoration of the Baltic States.
Video recorded for the documentary programme of CBC (Canadian TV channel) introduces life in Estonia after its restoration of independence in August 1991. The film shows Marju Lauristin, Lennart Meri, Raivo Vare, Edgar Savisaar and others.
Expatriate Latvians in Canada have gathered in a hall in Toronto in order to discuss the political situation in Latvia, namely the dramatic events in Riga in January 1991.
Expatriate Latvians in Canada celebrate the anniversary of the Republic of Latvia on November 17, 1991.
Church service of expatriate Lithuanians in Canada for supporting the fight for independence in Lithuania.
Celebrating of the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia in Estonian National Opera and in Tammsaare Park in Tallinn.
Church service of expatriate Latvians in Canada held in Toronto, followed by speeches supporting the regaining of independence of the three Baltic states in 1990.
The solidarity meeting held in central Toronto in December 1990 where the participants require international recognition for the newly elected government in Lithuania.
Celebrating the memorial day of those deported from the Baltic States in Toronto where the local Baltic people hold a street procession and speeches on June 14th, 1989.
The 71st anniversary of the Republic of Estonia was celebrated festively in Canada in 1989, in addition to the festive concert in the hall of Toronto University, also by hoisting of the national flag in front of Toronto Town Hall.
The 71st anniversary of the Republic of Estonia was celebrated in the hall of Toronto University where speeches were given by Canadian politician Tony Ruprecht and the Estonian Honorary Consul in Canada Ilmar Heinsoo.
Amateur video recorded by Edgar Väär where the arrival of the Boy's Choir of the Estonian National Male Choir to Toronto has been shown in the autumn of 1989. The film depicts the reception and greeting by the local community.
Commercium of the fraternity "Vironia" division in Toronto in the hall of Toronto Tartu College on May 19, 1989.
Church service held in Tallinn on May 13, 1989 for the re-establishment of students' corporation "Vironia".
Expatriate Polish people in Canada, Toronto are commemorating the massacre of Katyn in 1939.
Church service dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Republic of Estonia held in Uppsala St. Michael's Church, followed by a festive gathering in the congregation house on February 26, 1989.
General meeting of the representatives of people's fronts of the Baltic countries held in the House of Political Education in Tallinn, in 1989.
Festive celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Republic of Latvia in Toronto, in November 1988.
Eesti skautluse 75. aastapäeva tähistamine Kanadas Toronto Eesti Majas, ettekanne skautluse ajaloost.
Celebrating the 75th anniversary of Estonian scouting in Toronto Estonian house, Canada. The participants talk about scouting at the beginning of refuge years and about present problems.
Celebrating the 75th anniversary of Estonian scouting in Toronto Estonian House in Canada.