A short overview about vacation of a middle-class family in a southern state of the USA in 1939, town and nature views, canoe trip along the river and walk.
Family chronicle of the Estonian-born Theodore A. Wiel in USA in 1940s.
Young Estonians with colorful destinies living in different parts of the world share honestly and openly their personal stories and feelings about migration, belonging and roots.
This film portraits Leonhard Lapin, a creator born in an Estonian small town called Räpina in the 1950s, who becomes one of the most outstanding avant-garde artists on the Soviet Estonian art and architecture scene. The film also reveals the creator’s worldview, beliefs and rebellious nature.
An adventurer who dreams big and wants to prove to the world that his dream is possible, finds himself in the middle of the war and in the turmoil of complex human relationships...
Helga and Enn Nõu celebrate their birthdays on September 21, 1991.
Enn's father Joosep Nõu recalls his childhood during the preparations for the Midsummer's Eve celebrations. Performance of folk dancers in Tuna on June 21, 1991.
Preview of the art exhibition "Mothers and Daughters" held in Stockholm Estonian House on November 11, 1989. Artworks by Helga Nõu; Laine Nõu Englesson; Annakarina, Merit and Hill Vesterberg.
The Ehin family, Kalle Muuli and Malle Aleksius from Estonia are visiting the Nõu family in Askvägen, Uppsala on December 30, 1989.
Enn and Helga Nõu visiting film director Virve Aruoja-Hellström in Uppsala on January 3, 1987.
Relatives and acquaintances of the married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu in Sweden in 1978-1984.
Family chronicle of the married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu reflecting the years 1979-1984.
Enn Nõu's trip to London in July 1974, Estonian Embassy in London. Acquaintances of the Nõu family.
Relatives and acquaintances of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in Sweden in 1978-1980.
Family chronicle of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in 1979.
The family chronicle of the activities of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in 1977-1979. 20th wedding anniversary. Enn Nõu defends his Doctoral thesis. In Stockholm skerries. Winter with lots of snow. The speedboat is let into water.
Helga and Enn Nõu's trip to Canada in 1978. Niagara Falls and sights in Toronto.
Helga and Enn Nõu travel to the United States in 1978. They are visiting New York City.
Relatives and acquaintances of the married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu in Sweden in 1975-1977.
The family chronicle of the activities of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in 1976-1977. Communication regiment in Uppsala, speedboat rides, Heino with his model aircraft and moped.
The married couple Enn and Helga Nõu's activities with their family in 1975 and 1976.
The family chronicle of the activities of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in 1975. Laine's confirmation ceremony, visiting day in the scout camp, ride in the skerries with the speedboat.
Married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu spend time with their children in picturesque places in Sweden in 1974-1975. Speedboat rides on lakes in Sweden, visit to Kolmården Zoo.
The married couple Enn and Helga Nõu's activities with their family in summer 1975 - trip to Denmark.
Children of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in the world camp "Forest Home" in summer 1975.
The family chronicle of the activities of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in 1975. In the Stockholm archipelago with the speedboat.
Summer gathering of student society "Raimla" at Endel Rumma's summer cottage in Vendel on June 20, 1974.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1973-1974.
Married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu spend time with their children in picturesque places in Sweden in summer 1974. Speedboat ride to Lake Hjälmaren and back.
The married couple Enn and Helga Nõu's activities with their family in summer 1974. Trip to Öland.
Relatives of the married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu in Sweden in 1971-1973.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1972-1973. Trip along the west coast of Sweden.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in the summer of 1973: the song festival in Stockholm, ride with the speedboat to Gräso through Stockholm archipelago.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu spending time with their children. Family trip by car to Norway.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1970-1971. Kolmården zoo, Linköping, Vikings' site in Birka, Gripsholm Castle, Christmas time and birthdays.
The Nõu family's trip to Finland in 1972.
Relatives and acquaintances of the married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu in Sweden in 1968-1971.
Acquaintances of married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu in 1962-1971.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in December 1970 and in spring of 1971. Christmas time, spring in the Fiby primeval forest reserve. The family's new motorboat.
Summer joys of the Nõu familiy in 1971. Rides with the new boat, bathing in the sea, flying the kite, visiting the zoo.
Performances by the youth group "Vikerlased" in Montreal. Scout camps in Lättemäe and Kotkajärve.
The married writers' couple Enn ja Helga Nõu spend time with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in near surroundings from the Midsummer Day 1969 to Walpurgis Night 1970.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1970. Near the Lake Ekoln, Midsummer Day in Gamla-Uppsala, in the Linné Hammarby botanical gardens belonging to the University of Uppsala, in Furuvik recreation park.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1970. Enn and Helga are visiting former homes in Adelsö and Fagerrudd where they first went to live with their parents after emigrating from Estonia in 1944.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu spend time with their children in their hometown in Uppsala. Events from Christmas 1968 to the summer of 1969.
The married writers' couple Enn ja Helga Nõu spend time with their children in their hometown Uppsala in 1969 - their new home in Askvägen.
Relatives and acquaintances of the married writers' couple Helga and Enn Nõu in Sweden in 1965-1968.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu spend time with their small children in their hometown Uppsala in 1968.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu spend time with their small children in their hometown Uppsala in 1967 and 1968: children's birthdays and domestic holidays, visits to friends' places.
Joint activities of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala as well as in other beautiful places in Sweden in 1968. Aviation day in Ärna airport in Uppsala, outing of Estonian scouts to Svia.