Home » Filmmakers

Arvo Iho


Year Film title Type Crew Actor
1983 "Hell" Animation Second Camera Operator
1983 "Lurich" Feature film Cinematographer
1983 "Lurich reklaamrull" Advertising Cinematographer
1982 "Arabella, mereröövli tütar reklaamrull" Advertising Cinematographer
1982 "Arabella, the Pirate's Daughter" Feature film Cinematographer Tööline
1982 "Bull Fight" Feature film Cinematographer
1982 "Corrida reklaamrull" Advertising Cinematographer
1982 "Tiit Pääsukese ja Ülo Õuna näituse avamine (Filmikroonika)" Newsreels Cinematographer
1981 "Kuukiired" Musical film Cinematographer
1981 "Naisetapja" Musical film Cinematographer
1981 "Vana meloodia. Lembit Saarsalu" Musical film Cinematographer
1980 "The Ideal Landscape" Feature film Cinematographer
1979 "Edison's Disco" Documentary Cinematographer
1979 "Nest of Winds" Feature film Cinematographer Juhan Piir, nende poeg
1979 "Tuulte pesa reklaamrull" Advertising Cinematographer
1978 "Poiss ja liblikas" Animation Cinematographer
1978 "Randade suguvõsa kokkutulek" Newsreels Cinematographer
1978 "Tracks on snow" Documentary Screenwriter
1977 "Antennid jääs" Animation Cinematographer
1977 "Daisy Petal Game: Poacher" Feature film Cinematographer
1977 "Daisy Petal Game: Promenade" Feature film Cinematographer
1977 "Daisy Petal Game: Tattoo" Feature film Cinematographer
1976 "Childhood" Documentary Cinematographer
1976 "Kutsekooliõpilaste tehnilise omaloomingu näitus" Newsreels Cinematographer
1976 "Tagasitulek" Students film Cinematographer
1976 "Tuletõrje näidisõppused Räpinas" Newsreels Cinematographer
1975 "Lahtiste uste päev V.Klementi nim. Tallinna Õmblustootmiskoondises" Newsreels Cinematographer
1975 "Laulud nüüd lähevad…" Documentary Cinematographer
1975 "Löö vastu" Students film Cinematographer
1975 "Sündis inimene" Documentary Cinematographer

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm