Where have the Estonian forests gone?
This film is about Marju Lepajõe, who was a classical philologist, a religious historian and a lecturer at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Tartu. With a witty charm, Marju reflects on the modern world, where the need and the ability to deal with a subject matter in depth have become insignificant.
One of the most extraordinary personas in Estonian cultural history is undoubtedly the writer, director, publicist, lecturer and a public figure Mati Unt.
Portrait documentary about cinematographer, film director and teacher Jüri Sillart.
The biographical documentary about the renowned composer and lecturer Heino Eller also serves as a part of cultural history of Estonia. While following the story, we experience the most dramatic and cheerful moments of his life and Estonian history.
Documentary by Rein Raamat about Jaan Vares, acknowledged Estonian sculptor and a long-time rector of the Estonian Academy of Arts.
Film director Vallo Kepp has gathered original materials of his film trilogy "Masing's Landscapes".
Portrait documentary by Rein Raamat about Inge Teder, the legendary head of the Art Museum of Estonia.
The third part of the film trilogy "Masing's Landscape" directed by Vallo Kepp focuses on the inner migration of a creative personality through the Soviet ideology.
History documentary by Hannes and Renita Lintrop about the 100th anniversary of Estonia Theatre and its building where the stories of Estonian nationhood and culture are intertwined.
The first full-length feature film directed by Rainer Sarnet for the 100th anniversary of Estonian professional theatre. The film tells the story about staging the play "Werewolf" written by August Kitzberg in Tartu Vanemuise Theatre throughout the 20th century, while bringing together the present and the past and offering the characters to experience eternity.
An hour with the amazingly multifaceted Einar Laigna, who clearly and emphatically discusses life’s basic values with the viewer, at a time when ethics tend to be lost from our lives. And thus, the message that he sends to Estonians and other people who love their land is that today is more important than ever before.
Documentary shows the daily life of philosopher Arnold von Keyserling and his wife Wilhelmine in Vienna - life full of astrology, Eastern philosophy, shamanism and mysticism.
Documentary commissioned by Nõmme city district government about the former independent garden suburb - Nõmme.
World-famous violinist Evi Liivak, a former prodigy, is being portrayed through her husband's and friends' points of view.
In the area surrounding the Dominican monastery in the heart of Tallinn, unique spiritual and cultural life has emerged that influences the entire city.
Recollective portrait documentary directed by Peep Puks about Betti Alver, Estonian writer, poetess and translator.
Thematic newsreel reflecting the role of the Baltic states in Europe, bringing out the connections throughout history and folklore up to the present day.
Three-act documentary essay directed by Lennart Meri about memory and the historical cultural connections between the Finno-Ugric peoples.
Documentary directed by Arne Mikk about the 75-year-old Estonian National Opera Theatre.
Kaie Kõrb as a starring ballerina in the ballet "Swan Lake". Rehearsals.