Documentary about an Estonian woman with Russian heritage, who joins the Estonian Women’s Voluntary Defense League to become a soldier.
A girl becomes a warrior in the military- and her own life.
Born to march to the rhythms of the power, they follow the promise of immortality. The film looks at the making of a Russian citizen from a fresh angle.
Two political eras meet in the Estonian town of Tapa.
Six-year-old Leelo’s mother is deported to a Siberian prison camp during Stalinist repressions. The little girl tries to be as good as she can in the belief that this will bring her mother back home.
War drama directed by Tanel Toom is an allegory about life, death and love; also a story about the fate of two brothers in war.
A story about a young man who in an absurd situation insists on remaining a human being as if he still belived in happy solutions.
Director Peeter Tooming has documented the story of those who fought in and for Estonia. The film has been made during the time when people were hoping and waiting for the Soviet army to leave Estonia.
The family chronicle of the activities of the married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu in 1976-1977. Communication regiment in Uppsala, speedboat rides, Heino with his model aircraft and moped.
The 5th general camp "Põhjala" of Estonian guides and scouts takes place in Kungsbaka by Lake Lygnern, Sweden in July 18 - 27, 1964.
The 5th general camp of Estonian girl scouts and boy scouts "Põhjala" held in Koitjärve, Sweden and "Havilahe" by Lake Lygnern on July 18-27, 1964.
Demonstration of May 1st in Tallinn.
World Fair in New York City in 1939, Shriners Parade in Harford in 1950, family Baltsar in Elizabeth Park on June 21st, 1956.
Young scouts' camp "Eesti" brings together scouts from all over Sweden to Metsakodu, July 13-18, 1954.
Recordings of Hartford events - parade of the defence forces near the Parliament building and Shiners parade, graduation ceremony of Trinity College in the college chapel, governor's guards of Connecticut state in the yard of Parliament building. Open air performance.