Cabbages, beetroots and pumpkins – these are both food and a connecting element for people.
Imagine a city, where graffiti wasn’t illegal, a city where everybody could draw whatever they liked. Where every street was awash with a million colors and little phrases. Imagine a city like that and stop leaning against the wall – it’s wet.
Film consisting of ten parts about the events in the history of Estonian aviation and shipping in 1820–1938.
Jaan Tootseni dokfilm jälgib ühe idealistliku liikumise, Uue Maailma Seltsi sündi, elu ja valu viie aasta jooksul.
Newsreel about Viljandi - a 700-year-old lake town.
This is a merry fairytale abpud medieval Tallinn where Mart, apothecary's apprentice invents marzipan.
Celebrations of the 750th anniversary of the City of Rostock and the peace week of the Baltic Sea.
This is a humorous story about a chimney-sweep who happened to stay without work.